About Me | Victoriamichelle
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About me

Hello! I’m so glad you've found your way to my little corner of the internet! My name is Victoria and I am an artist based in Florida. I was born in Louisiana but I grew up in Florida exploring all of the marshy little creatures we have here. I was quite interested in all nature but I had a particular fondness for insects. My childhood and passion for nature and whimsy fuel a lot of the imagery in my art. For as long as I remember I have had such a strong desire to create. At a young age, I can remember loving to draw and I stuck with drawing through my college years. I added painting later on. I have my seasons of low inspiration or times of art block like any other artist, but I never completely lose the drive to create art. It is something within me that I have to do. I also walked through a pretty tough battle with my mental health in my young adult years and have come out on the other side thankful for what I learned and for God carrying me through. These things and so many more influence my work. I am sure as I grow many more things will influence what I create. I hope that my work can be a peaceful escape from the hectic world we live in and a reminder of all the beautiful little blessings we often overlook. Thank you so much for being here! 


                             Much Love, 


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